creation of the Obama legacy is well underway and he is not even out of
office yet. As the Obama Administration winds down, the liberal media
has made sure to let you know that Barack Obama has done an amazing job
for America over the last 8 years. The media and academia ponder over
such absurdities as how great it would be if we violated the
Constitution and let him serve another term. It is everywhere. Even
worse, many are towing the line on social media, going on about how
great things are and how Obama has "fixed" everything. Spoiler alert:
we are in very unstable times and in desperate need of some honest
Sticking with the theme of cleaning your own house first,
we must take a hard look at the realities in which we all find
ourselves today. As I see more and more of these headlines, I am
shocked at how much support Obama garners despite the actual results of
his policies. But then again, look at what is going on in both
political parties...we are playing teams. The media is guilty, the
parties are guilty, and most of us are guilty of blindly supporting our
team and excusing any behavior. Stop.Playing.Teams.
Let's get
real for just a few minutes and attempt to have an adult conversation.
In order to assess what our next steps should be, we must be able to
honestly assess where we are today. Progressivism is a problem in both
of the major political parties. The policies of both the Democrats and
Republicans have set the stage for Obama. And boy did Obama make use of
that stage. While Obama did not start the progressive problem in
America, he sure has advanced it.

Let's take off the Obama beer
goggles and realize we have a lot of hard work ahead of us. We find
ourselves with $20Trillion, yes that's Trillion, of national debt. In
addition, the Fed has artificially held down interest rates while
feverishly printing dollars. We are on the verge of a depression
regardless of who got into the White House.
I often wondered
why anyone would want to be president right now. If there is an
economic collapse whoever is in office will take the blame, and let's
just say that things are shaky at best. Of course, the media won't tell
you this. They have to create the legacy of Obama and, therefore,
cannot be bothered by the facts.
Usually this type of legacy
building is much less obvious until years after a president leaves
office. The media and academia allow the forgetfulness of time to set
in, and then they work on rewriting history. They aren't even doing
that anymore. I wonder, has the media and academia gotten so lazy they
can't even be bothered with rewriting history anymore? Apparently, they
now simply create the false narrative from the beginning.
I say
this really as a plea to us all. We must start living in reality and
not just the reality that the media and academia present to us. Times
are unstable. We are financially unstable, the Middle East is unstable,
Russia is unstable, race relations are unstable...I could go on and on.
We must be willing to be as critical of those we are for as we are
those who we are against.

The following list is a quick summary
of the failed policies of the Obama Administration. Again, we must be
willing to have an honest conversation that begins with an honest look
of where we are at. Regardless of what party is leaving power, we must
be willing to honestly assess our position.
(Although I could go
on and on explaining the many effects of the policies of the Obama
Administration, none have said it more succinctly than Glenn. The
following quotes and summaries are taken from Glenn Beck's "Liars," see
pp. 149-77 for references)
-Auto Bailout. As soon as he came into
office, Obama used Bush's TARP program (another progressive tragedy),
which was limited to financial institutions, to take over the auto
industry. "Specifically, Obama ran roughshod over the bankruptcy code on
behalf of the United Auto Workers union that had bankrupted Chrysler
and General Motors in the first place, and did so while abrogating the
property rights of creditors."
-Dodd-Frank. The disastrous
Dodd-Frank legislation ensured no bank was "too big too fail." The big
banks have only gotten bigger and we have ensured taxpayer bailouts will
-Fast and Furious. Together with his Attorney
General, Eric Holder, he and Obama ran two thousand guns to criminals
across our border with Mexico. These guns killed hundreds of Mexicans
and U.S. Border Agent Bryan Terry. The lies and cover-up continue to
this day.
-IRS Scandal. Federal agencies have been weaponized
against political rivals. "Obama also took a page from the FDR playbook
by using the IRS to chill political dissent." Not only Obama's IRS, but
the EPA, DOJ, ATF and a host of other powerful federal agencies were
unleashed on conservative groups and individuals. We should all be
afraid of a president exhibiting tyranny.
-Amnesty. The
disaster at the border is clear for those of us on the West Coast.
Between Obama's unconstitutional executive amnesty and the floods of
Mexicans, South Americans and Middle Easterners running across our
border undocumented, we are in trouble.
-Radical Islam. Obama
refuses to link radical Islam to jihadists and has purged any language
of it from federal documents. Not only is this the type of denial and
nonsense that got Trump elected, it is dangerous.

-Middle East.
Obama, along with Secretary Clinton, have helped destabilize the Middle
East, with ISIS terrorists filling in the vacuums left behind. In
Egypt, Obama removed President Mubarak, a strategic Israeli and U.S.
ally. What he forgot to mention was that the radical Muslim Brotherhood
was the only other force, which gladly filled the vacuum. In Libya,
Obama removed Qaddafi, and supported the "rebels" who took over, which
eventually became ISIS. Currently, ISIS and radical Islamists are
spreading through the Middle East like wildfire. Awesome.
Iran Deal. I have never seen anything like this. Against U.S. law, we
sent $450Million of cash to Iran, in the dead of night, in an unmarked
cargo plane...and then gave the largest state sponsor of terror access
to $1.7Billion dollars. Syria anyone?

-Benghazi. This was a
moment that changed American policy forever. We leave no man behind, or
at least we used to. Obama and Sec. Clinton were running guns to the
"rebels" in Syria who became ISIS. They were doing this through Libya.
On the night of September 11, 2012, Obama went to bed at 5:00 and Sec.
Clinton refused contact as our military and CIA men were fighting for
lives at our embassy in Benghazi. They begged for help, but their
screams fell on deaf ears. Four service men, including Ambassador
Stevens, were killed that night. Obama and Clinton turned their back on
our military men because they did not want to expose their gun running
scandal. They then blamed it on a video. It was an unprecedented and
tragic moment in history.
-Israel. "Under Clinton's leadership at
the State Department, it was revealed that the Obama Administration
went so far as to seek to literally undermine Israel's governmental
position by strengthening the Palestinian Arabs."

One-sixth of the U.S. economy was taken over by the federal government
with the passage of Obamacare. Never mind the fact that it was shoved
through Congress on Christmas Eve, or that it was vigorously argued that
it was not a tax to get it passed, then argued it was a tax as the only
way to get it past the U.S. Supreme Court. The really shocking thing
is what Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber got caught saying.
Obamacare was designed to fail in order for single-payer, universal
socialized medicine to take over. It was progressive-a step towards the
end-goal. As we speak, Obamacare is failing, premiums are up in some
places 70% and insurance companies are bowing out.
Well, it appears Mitt Romney was right. Russia is our greatest
Geo-political foe. Between their intervention in our elections, hacking
our government communications and Wikileaks releases we sure have
played a weak hand. Not to mention the fact that Vladimir Putin walked
right into the Crimea and the Ukraine and took over. Obama sat back and
China. China continues to "saber-rattle" in the South
China Sea, expanding its control and expanding with man-made islands.
Do we even have time to mention its cyber attack on the U.S. and
currency manipulation?
Cuba. Obama overturned decades of U.S.
policy against the Communist regime of the Castro brothers and
"culminated in Obama and Raul Castro sharing a hot dog at a Cuban
baseball game." Nothing like strengthening an anti-American, Communist
regime less than 100 miles from Florida.
TPP. The Trans Pacific
Partnership is the most egregious power grab in American history. This
agreement makes an international government superior to the U.S.
Constitution and laws there under. Say goodbye to sovereignty.
Let us summarize a few other policies instituted over the last eight years. The following is directly from "Liars" pp. 170-71:
"Just like FDR, Obama purported to help struggling Americans with these
policies, but what the primarily accomplished was growing government
and executive power. Consider some of the other progressive wins Obama
has racked up:
-Using recess appointment power when the Senate was not in recess--thwarting constitutional checks and balances.
-Seeking to force public schools to use racial quotas to determine how
and when to punish students for misbehaving--thwarting the federalist
structure in an attempt to socially engineer based on progressive
notions of 'fairness' and 'justice.'
-Forcing universities
nationwide to strip protections from college students accused of sexual
misconduct--violating due process rights.
-Ignoring the law
requiring the president to give thirty days' notice to Congress before
releasing jihadists from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba--thwarting the system of
checks and balances.
-Attempting to impose an unconstitutional nationwide speech code on college campuses--thwarting the First Amendment.
-Arguing several property rights cases rejected unanimously by the
Supreme Court, under which Obama's Environmental Protection Agency
showed sever contempt for such rights through coercion--thwarting
constitutionally protected private property rights."
This is
where we are folks. Until we are willing to admit the mistakes of those
on our own side, we can never truly introduce solutions. I hate to be
the bearer of bad news, but Obama did not "fix" everything. In fact, in
many ways America is weaker than ever. Some would say, by design.
That's the reality of Obama's legacy.