Over the past few months Glenn Beck has not been shy about calling himself a "catastrophist." He says he sees the worst of possibilities, especially when analyzing the economic future of America. He has said it on his nationally syndicated talk show and TV show on the The Blaze network. It made me wonder whether he was right. In all honesty, my family members see Glenn on TV and ask if he sees anything other than doom and gloom. Maybe he is a catastrophist. Was I missing something? Are the warnings just catastrophist hype?

In an interesting juxtaposition to his catastrophist views, Glenn Beck is rather hopeful when it comes to the American people. His message is one of peace, love and unity. He believes that most of us are good and freedom of conscience for all is a basic principle. But are his warnings about political and economic matters simply from the viewpoint of a catastrophist? Although he thinks so, I beg to differ.
At times, it has seemed a bit dramatic when Glenn Beck warned us about ISIS and the Caliphate or an economic depression looming on the horizon. But then again, although his timing may have been off, he is usually right on when it comes to substance. And then it dawned on me. Glenn is not so much a catastrophist as it is the combination of the progressive agenda and his awareness of it that make it seem as though he is.
The progressive agenda is perfectly named--it is progressive. Small steps are taken over time, moving forward toward an end goal. The progressive agenda has been in the works in America for over a century. Progressives have been chipping away at American principles like national sovereignty and individual rights that entire time.
Glenn's real issue is that he understands the end game of the progressive agenda; he understands why they take the small steps. If you do not understand the end goal of the agenda at work, the small steps seem like no big deal. Once the agenda is understood, however, the small steps become loud warning bells. Couple that with the fact that this agenda has been in the works for over a century and we have ourselves a "catastrophist." The end goal is much closer than we think.
When we are willing to take off our Obama beer goggles and sober up, we may realize the warnings are not so crazy after all. As Glenn says himself, warnings are not predictions. We should be wary of a concentration of power, no matter whether our "team" is in power or not. If we all understand the end goal of the progressive agenda, we might all be thinking like Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck is not a catastrophist because he sees the worst possibilities, he is a catastrophist because the end goal of the progressive agenda is catastrophic for liberty and freedom.
Article: The Blaze_Glenn Beck Apologizes for Being a Catastrophist
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