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Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Real Housewives of New York City Prediction
Warning: If you don't watch Real Housewives just skip this post!
I had a feeling that Real Housewives of New York Jill Zarin was going to do whatever it took to get back on top Season 4 after her behavior last season found her losing fans and supporters. It seemed as though she wanted to play the victim and make cast mate, Alex McCord, appear to be the aggressor. Then, I re-watched the Season 3 Reunion Show and my suspicions were confirmed. Even as far back as the last reunion you can see Jill start to call Alex a "mean girl" and claim that Alex started a lot of the drama. Funny thing is, Alex McCord is the least aggressive person on this show and Jill may just be the most aggressive.
Bravo has only aired two episodes of the new Season 4, but Jill has taken to her victim role already. At a march for gay marriage, Jill unconvincingly played the victim and told Alex to stop picking on her-sob! I do agree that Alex, who finally found her voice after three seasons, needs to learn that confrontations have a time and place. Still, she is no bully, and Jill has proven that she is no victim. Just you all wait. I'm sure in a couple of episodes Jill will break down in tears over how "mean" Alex is. Let's just say, I'm not buying it.
UPDATE: Check out my latest comment on who the real target was...
Kids Of Celebrities Are Now Celebrities?
I opened up the latest edition of my favorite tabloid magazine and was fully engrossed. I was enjoying myself when I noticed the box entitled 'Celebrity Birthdays.' I took a peek to see who was getting older. To my disgust I noticed that the magazine had the toddlers of celebrities listed in the birthday column. It read something like this, "Madonna, 43 Bethenny Frankel, 39 Shiloh Pitt, 2." Seriously! If I read one more article about Suri Cruise's wardrobe I might just puke. The girl isn't even old enough for kindergarten.
There are two major problems here. First, these are children. To go after and create celebrity in a child is as demented as caring about what they do. Second, she has done nothing to become a celebrity. There is a major backlash on celebrities without talent, the Paris Hilton types so to speak. We are sick of reading about people that have done nothing to earn the title 'celebrity'. One would think that magazine editors would have their hand on the pulse of its readers. Apparently not.
There are two major problems here. First, these are children. To go after and create celebrity in a child is as demented as caring about what they do. Second, she has done nothing to become a celebrity. There is a major backlash on celebrities without talent, the Paris Hilton types so to speak. We are sick of reading about people that have done nothing to earn the title 'celebrity'. One would think that magazine editors would have their hand on the pulse of its readers. Apparently not.
Conservatives Support Gays Too!
As the world seems to be crumbling down around us, should gay rights be in the forefront of discussions in the government right now. Obviously not. But I do think it deserves a bit of lip service. The liberal media, the descriptor "liberal" seems redundant at this point, continues to persuade Americans that conservatives hate gays. You, however, may want to educate yourself about who actually is a friend to the gays when push comes to shove.
Libertarians believe in the America our Founding Fathers created. They believe in a small government that has no right to get involved in the daily lives of the people that fund and ultimately control it. Personal liberties are essential to a successful nation and Libertarians understand this. Further, many independents are conservative in their beliefs about small government. And, believe it or not, most of these libertarian/independent/conservatives feel that government has no right or authority to control what person you are allowed to marry. That's right, many conservatives may not personally agree with the gay lifestyle, but they do not believe that government has the right to ban gay marriage. They also recognized that with homosexuals consisting of only about 2% of Americans, it has no effect on their own life.
I don't jump on the bandwagon that believes a gay and straight relationship are the "same" thing. Men and women together is the only way to create human life. There is no denying this. Whatever you take away from that fact is for you, but there is a special difference. Therefore, I don't believe that all relationships are the "same." Women and men can be equal, but let's be honest, we are not the "same." Besides, marriage is a union created by the Church. Liberal gays love to bash Christianity and religion, yet desire nothing more than to have their relationships considered the same as one created for religious purposes? They may want to rethink this argument.
I do, however, believe that the love you have for someone is the same regardless of your sexual preference. I also believe that government has no business getting involved in the daily lives of its citizens regarding such personal decisions. We can never make every single person in this country believe in gay marriage. That is the beauty of this country, we are allowed to voice our different opinions as we are each a unique individual. We should never attempt to change that, and those who do partake in losing game. All we can do is make sure that government does not engage in or condone this type of discrimination.
Some, like Rosie O'Donnell, say that radical Christians are just as much of a threat to her as radical Muslims. Oh really, why don't you try living in a country run by Muslims as an outed homosexual. You will quickly find out that this is not possible as homosexuality is grounds for your execution in Muslim countries. Not so bad being gay in America is it? I'm not saying that we don't have lunatics that hate gays, but what we don't have is a government that condones it.
Let's hope one day all people, regardless of sexual preference, can have their relationships protected and recognized in America. Let's also be honest about who exactly it is that threatens gay rights. Remember, America is about equal opportunity, not equal results.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Global Cooling?
In an undergraduate geology course, I learned that the world has gone through several ice ages, only to then go through periods of warming trends that melt the ice. This has happened again and again. Oh, and did I mention that this occurred over millions of years before humans were ever on the earth? Yes, that it correct. The Earth had periods of global warming and cooling without humans even being a factor. Seems that this could be a natural trend on planet Earth. But how could the left create a global government without implausible issues such as global warming to stand on?
Did I say global warming, I meant climate change. Yes folks, in the face of a cooling trend, the left realized they had to change the name of their cause from global warming to climate change. Did they think we wouldn't notice? In reality, how could we notice most of it as the media is silent and refuses to report anything that would show the left in bad light, regardless of how absurd. I wonder when the media will stop reporting on snow storms because that will help champion the global warming, I mean climate change movement?
How The Left Is Attempting To Use The Law To Create More Government Control
A handful of law schools are implementing a new course entitled "Law and Behavioralism." This class focuses on anti-American beliefs, most prominently that people cannot govern themselves and need government to tell hem how to behave. Never mind that government is run by people...they must somehow be smarter and know better. The syllabus lists a reading schedule that will shock most Americans. One of the leading scholars and writers on behavioralism is none other than Obama Regulatory Czar and avowed Communist, Cass Sunstein. Click on the link below, download and read my essay on the course after having taken it during my last year of law school.
What's Wrong With A Little Honesty?
What is it about the majority of the media that refuses to be honest about what is going on in the executive branch of the US government? How many czars can President Obama appoint, without Congressional authority mind you, that have ties to Communism/Marxism and get no opposition from the majority of the media? His pastor, Jeremiah Wright, has close ties with Farrahkan and other anti-American Socialists. Obama sat in his pews for twenty years, had Wright marry him and Michelle Obama and baptize his children, yet he claims to have no knowledge of the hate preached weekly by him. How could anyone actually believe this? Has our country been so brainwashed that they believe whatever they are told?
Obama has stated that the goals of SEIU, one of the most dangerous unions in the country, have always been his goals. Further, he claimed that he consults with SEIU before making political decisions. That would explain why anti-American SEIU leader Andy Stern has visited the White House quite frequently since Obama has been in office. Obama apologizes for American dominance and thinks America should let some other country become the super power of the world. Never mind that with America in the power seat the world has become more prosperous than ever. Why not try socialism, or even communism for that matter. Who cares that every country that has tried it has collapsed?
Communists, Socialists, and other anti-American movements have said for years that if they could control the media and education systems they might have a chance of bringing down America and Capitalism. They likely left out controlling government because they thought that Americans would never be stupid enough to allow anti-Americans run American government. That is until the control they exerted over media and education took hold. They can't believe it, but after centuries of trying, they got into the White House.
At some point we must take the blinders off. Besides, the truth shall set you free. As a Christian, Obama should believe this. But then again, Obama is not likely Christian. The kicker is that he is not likely Muslim either. He subscribes to Marxists/Socialists beliefs which plants itself on a anti-religion platform. They do not look to God for strength and guidance, but instead look to government. And since the top 3% of earners in America pay more taxes than the bottom 97% combined, they really just demand that others pay their way. To their dismay, you do not have to force Americans to be charitable. Free Americans are the most charitable people in the world. Yet, how many times do you hear a news story about that?
Our country is under attack by a new weapon of the left...ignorance. Get out the word, get out some education. Read what our Founding Fathers meant when they constructed the greatest document mankind has ever known, The Constitution of The United States of America. Read The Federalists Papers, or better yet, read George Washington's speech announcing that he would step down at the end of his second term as President to show the world that free men can resist the urge to become a king. It is powerful stuff and we are blessed enough to be a part of it! Get educated America, educated about the truth!
Obama has stated that the goals of SEIU, one of the most dangerous unions in the country, have always been his goals. Further, he claimed that he consults with SEIU before making political decisions. That would explain why anti-American SEIU leader Andy Stern has visited the White House quite frequently since Obama has been in office. Obama apologizes for American dominance and thinks America should let some other country become the super power of the world. Never mind that with America in the power seat the world has become more prosperous than ever. Why not try socialism, or even communism for that matter. Who cares that every country that has tried it has collapsed?
Communists, Socialists, and other anti-American movements have said for years that if they could control the media and education systems they might have a chance of bringing down America and Capitalism. They likely left out controlling government because they thought that Americans would never be stupid enough to allow anti-Americans run American government. That is until the control they exerted over media and education took hold. They can't believe it, but after centuries of trying, they got into the White House.
At some point we must take the blinders off. Besides, the truth shall set you free. As a Christian, Obama should believe this. But then again, Obama is not likely Christian. The kicker is that he is not likely Muslim either. He subscribes to Marxists/Socialists beliefs which plants itself on a anti-religion platform. They do not look to God for strength and guidance, but instead look to government. And since the top 3% of earners in America pay more taxes than the bottom 97% combined, they really just demand that others pay their way. To their dismay, you do not have to force Americans to be charitable. Free Americans are the most charitable people in the world. Yet, how many times do you hear a news story about that?
Our country is under attack by a new weapon of the left...ignorance. Get out the word, get out some education. Read what our Founding Fathers meant when they constructed the greatest document mankind has ever known, The Constitution of The United States of America. Read The Federalists Papers, or better yet, read George Washington's speech announcing that he would step down at the end of his second term as President to show the world that free men can resist the urge to become a king. It is powerful stuff and we are blessed enough to be a part of it! Get educated America, educated about the truth!
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